Lawyers Majadahonda
Do you need to be assisted by a Law Firm in Majadahonda?
Call us: 916 347 060 and make an appointment.
The Lawyers of our Law Firm in Majadahonda are specialists in matters related to:
- Labor Law
- Family Law
- Civil Law
- Inheritance Law
- Criminal Law
- Commercial and Corporate Law
- Real Estate Law
- Traffic Accidents
Legal services in Majadahonda
We have specialised lawyers who will be able to provide services in the different areas of law to both natural and legal persons.G.Elías y Muñoz Lawyers Majadahonda, has specialised professionals with extensive experience in all branches of law and business legal advice, including family lawyers specialising in divorce and inheritance in Majadahonda, labour lawyers specialising in complex dismissals, civil lawyers, and commercial lawyers for advice on company incorporation and procedures.
Why choose G.Elías & Muñoz Abogados?
Experience and professionalism
Corporate legal advice
Specialised in all areas of law
Flexible fees and payment options
The Majadahonda law firm of G. Elías y Muñoz Abogados has been offering legal services since 1994 to both companies and individuals.
Our lawyers provide services throughout the area of influence of Majadahonda and Madrid with the main office in Madrid and another delegation in Majadahonda.
Law firm in Majadahonda specialized in providing legal services to individuals and companies.
Contact us at our law firm in Majadahonda
Our Law Firm in different areas of Madrid is close to you, has specialized Lawyers in Majadahonda that can advise and help you in all branches of law and legal business advice.
Call us and make an appointment in our Law Firm in Majadahonda where our Lawyers will attend you.

Our Law Firm in Majadahonda
The Law Firm in Majadahonda G.ELIAS Y MUÑOZ ABOGADOS was founded in 1994. After some years with only one office in Madrid, in 1997 we opened a Law Firm in Majadahonda specialized in providing legal services to companies and individuals, becoming one of the leading Law Firms in Spain in the field of legal services, with a main office located in Madrid, and three open offices in the Community of Madrid, of which the Law Firm in Majadahonda is especially noteworthy.
G. Elias y Muñoz Abogados Majadahonda, has specialized professionals with extensive experience in all branches of law and business legal advice, among others, family lawyers specializing in divorce and inheritance in Majadahonda, labor lawyers specializing in complex dismissals, civil lawyers, and commercial lawyers for advice on incorporation and business procedures.
How do we work?
In G.Elías y Muñoz Abogados Majadahonda we have collaboration agreements with different law firms throughout the country, which allows us to provide a direct and close service to our clients.
In our law firms, each client and case is assigned to a "Responsible Lawyer" who is entrusted with the study and personalized follow-up of the case, being direct and continuous communication between this lawyer and client, the latter having a wide and updated information of the steps that are carried out in the matter in charge.
If you need to find lawyers in Majadahonda, the law firm G. Elías y Muñoz offers legal services for individuals and companies in its Majadahonda office. Contact the Law Firm in Majadahonda on the reference telephone number and ask for an appointment to come and see us at our offices where you will be attended by Lawyers specialists in each area of Law.
Human and technical resources
G. Elías y Muñoz Abogados Majadahonda is integrated by lawyers with extensive experience in all branches of law, and with a philosophy of work and customer service in line with the times. In the Firm we also have Collaboration Agreements with Attorneys of most of the judicial districts, which also allows us to speed up the procedures, as well as to reduce the cost of the same. We also have agreements with Notary Offices in Madrid and the Province that allow us to guarantee the granting of any deed within a maximum period of 24 hours.
The Law Firm of G. Elías y Muñoz Abogados Majadahonda is equipped with all the latest material and technological means for the development of its activity.
How do I request an Appointment?
You can contact us by telephone: 91 634 70 60 and ask for an appointment to come and see us at our offices in Avenida de los Reyes Católicos, 4, 2º B. 28220 in Majadahonda, where you will be attended by lawyers specialized in each area of law.