According to Spanish law, mutual insurance companies are responsible for sick leave due to accidents or occupational diseases. Likewise, the Social Security is...
According to Spanish law, mutual insurance companies are responsible for sick leave due to accidents or occupational diseases. Likewise, the Social Security is...
By now, you probably know that all grounds for dismissal are regulated by the Workers' Statute and the collective bargaining agreements in force. These...
Incapacity for work is the state in which a worker who is not yet of retirement age suffers a health problem that prevents or hinders him/her from carrying out...
Colds, migraines, gastroenteritis? There are many minor ailments that can prevent you from going to work for one, two or three days. Obviously, you need to...
It is one of the saddest moments in life, but we all have to consider, at some point, the death of our father. And, at this moment of absolute sadness and...
Restraining orders for minor offences are legal measures designed to protect a victim from approaching or coming into contact with the offender. Their aim is to...
On 28 March, the Spanish Parliament approved Royal Decree-Law 5/2023, more popularly known as the "law on families and teleworking". It came into force just...
Article 29 of the Workers' Regulation obliges the company to pay workers' wages on time and not exceeding one month. Even so, in many cases, companies fail to...
When two people decide to apply for divorce proceedings, a series of long-term premises must be agreed upon regarding the regulation of behaviour in the family...
Dismissal can be defined as the decision taken by an employer to terminate the employment contract with a particular employee. This can occur due to various...
It is Monday morning. You get out of bed, take a shower, get into your car and drive to work. As soon as he gets in, he receives a phone call summoning him to...
Leaving home, when there is a marital relationship involved, is a very serious matter and entails a number of legal consequences. Since the subject is quite...
The death of a loved one is an event that is always a sensitive and painful time for all family members. In addition, right after, it is time to settle the...
In law, nullity is defined as the lack of force, value or effect of an act for not having been performed in accordance with the laws in force. This gives us an...
Legal incapacity, also called civil incapacity, is a legal situation of a person who, due to his or her sensory, physical or psychological situation, is unable...
Senior management contracts, i.e. those intended for people who are going to occupy positions of great importance within the management team of companies, have...
When we think of the termination of an employment contract, we usually think of the situation in which the employer decides to terminate the employment of an...
When there is no agreement between both parents, divorces, separations or proceedings to modify the measures of the regulatory agreements become long, complex...
In a divorce with community property, it is essential to carry out the liquidation of the partnership. From this process, the distribution of said assets...
Whenever a person dies, his or her property becomes available to his or her legitimate heirs. Whether or not he or she made a will during his or her lifetime...
It is possible that, a few days or even hours ago, your employer has unfairly dismissed you. Or, perhaps you are still working, but you know that this may...
Gender-based violence, as well as domestic violence against women, continues to be an all too common problem in society today. However, public awareness...
As all our readers are surely aware, the Workers' Statute establishes a series of objective causes that justify and facilitate the termination of an employment...
The will is a document that reflects the last wishes of a subject, that is, how he/she wants to distribute his/her assets among his/her heirs once he/she has...
Dismissal of a domestic worker The dismissal of a domestic worker must be carried out with care, respecting the worker's rights and complying with the employer...
In the event of dismissal, companies are obliged to give the employee concerned at least 15 days' notice, unless it is for disciplinary reasons. The objective...
All employees have the right to unilaterally terminate their contract with a company on their own initiative. To do so, all they have to do is to give 15...
When the parents die, the house they used as a family home or any other house they owned becomes the property of their heirs. However, there are situations that...
It is possible that, when the parents are still alive, they may decide to donate a house to one of their children, either because they are in a worse financial...
As a result of the reform of the Criminal Code in 2015, there are many actions that can constitute a hate crime. In any case, there is something that all these...
In the Internet age, where access to and dissemination of information is very easy, defamation can have a far-reaching negative impact on the reputation and...
When there is a single-parent custody regime, the minor children must live with one of the two parents. This can happen either by agreement of the parents when...
The number of marriages in Spain has been declining for some time. There are many reasons for this, including the high cost of celebrations, the loss of the...
Social media and, in general, the spread of the internet to all areas of life has brought many good things. However, not everything is positive. The best...
There are times in life when an employee may want to temporarily terminate their employment relationship with their employer. The purpose? To have more time to...
Giving is an act of generosity that one freely disposes of without expecting anything in return in support of another, who accepts it. The recovery of donations...
We cannot ignore the reality that, in many cases, there are parents who ask their ex-partner or the judge for joint custody in order to save on alimony. In fact...
Neighbourhood conflicts are the order of the day. After all, when you have to share a building with dozens of families, it is normal that some friction will...
The divorce of a couple is a complicated time emotionally, sentimentally and financially. Especially if there are minor or disabled children involved. At this...
The crime of misappropriation has its own characteristics. This is something we want to emphasise as, on many occasions, it tends to be confused with fraud...
What happens if I report my partner for abuse? Undoubtedly, this is a question that many women ask themselves when they are victims of physical or psychological...
The offence of grievous bodily harm is a type of offence committed when someone causes injury to another person, but without causing a serious enough injury to...
A disability lawsuit involves filing a claim with the National Social Security Institute (INSS). The process begins when a permanent disability pension of any...
In order for a minor to travel to another country without a parent, he or she must obtain permission to leave the foreign country. According to the State...
Depression is a mental disorder characterised mainly by low mood, sadness and low self-esteem, which leads sufferers to lose interest in their surroundings and...
A marital breakdown, whether in the form of separation or divorce, is usually a painful moment in the life of any person since, in one way or another, it means...
Some couples marry before having children. There are also those who prefer to register only as unmarried partners. However, it is an inescapable reality that...
The break-up of a marriage is usually an unpleasant and unwanted moment. Especially when there are children. However, it is also unavoidable in most cases when...
Pre-trial detention and pre-trial detention are precautionary measures which, as their names suggest, deprive the accused or person under investigation of their...
The death of a loved one always requires a succession of administrative steps, many of which are relatively straightforward. However, things get a little more...
You may have recently had an altercation with another person. You did not go to the police after it happened, but perhaps the other person did. In that case...
There are people who, being in situations of special vulnerability, need to be subject to the protection provided by legal guardianship. Generally speaking...
The offence of injury established by the Penal Code seeks to punish all those who cause bodily, physical and mental harm to other people. However, since neither...
All employees have the same concerns: " What happens if I get fired while I am on sick leave, do I still get paid, am I entitled to unemployment benefits? The...
Are you on sick leave due to an illness or ailment, but you want to go on a trip? Do you know if you can go on a trip on medical leave? There are many doubts...
A judicial notice is a procedural act by which a judge brings certain information to the attention of a person. Generally, it is an order, resolution or...
A non-disabling permanent injury is any injury, mutilation or deformity suffered by a worker as a result of an occupational illness or accident that does not...
A judicial attachment is a legal procedure by which a court orders the retention or freezing of the property or assets of a person or entity, in order to secure...
' Mobbing' is a concept used to define harassment at work. However, it is often misused. Moreover, nowadays, it is specified in the legislation, so that workers...
The neighbours that make up the community of owners are legally obliged to pay the community fees set by the board. This is established in article 9 of the...
We are all used to hearing about ' final judgement' in any judicial process. But do we really know what this concept is and how long it takes to come about...
It is never a good idea to hide or make your assets disappear in order to avoid paying a debt. The reason? You are committing the offence of concealment as...
Many people suffer from repeated harassment by a third party, which leads to severe changes in the way they go about their daily lives. In this case, it is...
Compensation for current dismissal The compensation for unfair dismissal, as our labour lawyers inform us, is currently regulated in article 56 of the Workers'...
As you may well know, the Civil Code in force in Spain provides that couples can get married using two different regimes: community property and separation of...
Substantial modification of working conditions in an employment contract can occur in any company and to any employee. This is a frequent question for...
A person who conceals or, alternatively, makes all or part of his assets disappear in order to prevent a creditor from collecting a debt owed to him is...
In recent years and nowadays, with the advent of technology, mobile phones, social networks, etc., there have been more and more cases of harassment, and it is...
It is not uncommon to hear the legal terms libel and slander on many television programmes. However, it is not common for the difference between the two to be...
The third of free disposition is that which a subject can dispose of at his free will at the time of making a will. By this we mean that it is totally...
We are all used to hearing about restraining orders. It is a precautionary measure aimed at preventing the commission of a crime and is therefore extremely...
Divorce by mutual consent, also known as amicable or consensual divorce, is a legal institution regulated in the Civil Code and in the Civil Procedure Act that...
There are two types of people. First, we refer to those who value stability and who, when they find a good job, try to keep it at all costs. However, there are...
The express divorce has become the formula most used by couples at the moment of breaking the marital union they had, regardless of whether or not children were...
The relationship between parents and children is a right that both parents and children have. This problem is very common in the family process following a...
Labour subrogation is undoubtedly one of the issues that generates most uneasiness and doubts among workers. This is normal. After all, it means that the...
Non-compliance with visiting arrangements is the cause of a large number of lawsuits filed in Spanish courts. In fact, it is a fairly frequent problem and one...
The offence of forgery, due to its overtly technical nature, is not very well understood, at least not accurately, by most people. In order to fully understand...
Driving under the influence of alcohol can have serious consequences. Depending on the driver's blood alcohol level, it can be considered a mere administrative...
Separation of property is an increasingly popular matrimonial property regime in Spain. In fact, there are already several autonomous communities in which it is...
All of us, at some point in our lives, have the right to inherit property. This may come from our parents, siblings or even from children or more distantly...
Divorce is the legal act aimed at dissolving the marital union between two people and allowing them to remarry whomever they wish. However, this term is also...
It is a very big step to be clear about when to start divorce proceedings, and there are many aspects to be taken into account. Many couples who start divorce...
What happens if you don't show up for a trial you have been summoned to? Without a doubt, whether it is an appearance as a complainant, accused or witness, this...
There are numerous cases that a law firm receives, where drivers of vehicles on the road exceed the legal limits allowed for alcohol consumption in a traffic...
All legal proceedings entail a series of expenses. On the one hand, we must talk about procedural costs, which are those directly and immediately related to the...
A manager is not an ordinary worker in a company. This is the reason why, when it comes to dismissing them, it is necessary to take into account special...
The divorce of a couple is always a difficult time for the spouses. For the children, however, it is often even worse. After all, they no longer have daily...
The crime of fraud, on many occasions, is quite difficult to determine due to its intrinsic characteristics and what is included in our Penal Code. However...
The death of a person is a complicated situation in every sense of the word for those close to them. Beyond sentimental issues and personal ties with them...
Generally, when we think of criminal liability arising from the commission of crimes, we all think of it as being the property of natural persons. However...
Many people, either because it appears incorrectly in their official documents, in order to preserve the name of one of their parents or for any other reason...
There are times when, to care for a child or other family member or for any other reason, an employee wishes to temporarily interrupt the employment...
Taking custody of a child away from a parent is probably the most important aspect of any separation or divorce agreement. This is mainly because judges always...
When a person dies, an inheritance is opened, understood as the transmission to the heirs of all the rights and obligations of the deceased. However, it is not...
Many people find it difficult to understand the difference between gender-based violence and domestic violence. In fact, it is not uncommon for the two terms to...
Many people, at some point in their lives, have found themselves in a compromising situation that has led them to have a criminal or police record. This, as you...
Severe fibromyalgia is difficult to diagnose accurately, but when it does occur, it usually results in a series of very problematic symptoms that prevent the...
In this article we explain who the forced heirs are and the relationship they have with the reserved portion as determined in article 806 of the Civil Code...
The real estate market seems to be picking up again in our country and, with it, the number of property sales is growing. In fact, it is likely that, at this...