When two people decide to apply for divorce proceedings, a series of long-term premises must be agreed upon regarding the regulation of behaviour in the family...
The best family lawyers in Madrid. We practice throughout Spain
Lawyers specialising in divorce, inheritance, community property, custody, agreements, extinction of condominium and procedures.
Experts in the handling of family law proceedings.
Our Family Lawyers in Madrid, G.Elías y Muñoz Lawyers offers you a large team of lawyers specialized in family disputes such as divorce, separation, inheritance, wills and many others. Contact us if you need a family lawyer in Madrid, we are specialists in the field.
G.Elías y Muñoz Lawyers, offers you the best family lawyers in Madrid, being experts in carrying out a multitude of legal procedures of Family Law, such as the drafting of marital contracts and economic regime of marriage, separations and divorces, breakups of unmarried couples, making regulatory agreements, breach of judgments, modification of paternal-filial measures and alimony.
Family Law deals with complicated issues, so we provide a special delicacy to this type of matters, to ensure the welfare and family benefit of our clients.
We are experts in Inheritance Law and Condominium Extinction.
Here you can learn more about the content of our legal services in depth.
Do not hesitate to make an appointment in person or by videoconference to advise you and take your case. We will be pleased to assist you.
Our Family Lawyers have been practising since 1994 both in Madrid and in the rest of Spain. Throughout all these years, our Family Law Firm has handled countless cases of divorces, separations, inheritance, community property, joint ownership, parental authority and all kinds of matters related to family law.
All the lawyers in our firm have the best knowledge, experience and professionalism necessary to provide legal advice to our clients in this sensitive area.
For this reason, our clients rate us as one of the best Family Law Firms in Madrid, and they tell us so in their evaluations.
Make an appointment with us, in person or online, and any of our lawyers will advise you on the family problem that requires our attention.
Your Videoconsultation or online videocall with a specialised Lawyer
Contact us at any of our Madrid offices
A Family Lawyer is a professional with expert knowledge in everything related to Family Law. The Family Law is the legal norm that regulates rights and duties between those who conform the family unit; the budgets and formalities exigible to the different family realities with civil effectiveness; celebrations and matrimonial separations, nullities and dissolutions of the matrimonial bond or the de facto relationship or unions; the different matrimonial economic regimes to administer the goods.
It is also the branch of law that is responsible for regulating the relations of parental authority in the personal and patrimonial sphere, guardianship, curatorship, emancipation and de facto guardianship in the case of minors and disabled persons. Another large area in which family lawyers are in charge is related to inheritance in the family sphere.
Family law is the law that deals with all issues related to family relationships in matters such as divorce, inheritance, parental authority, custody, incapacitation and so on.
It presents peculiar characteristics: it regulates ethical conducts that the Law converts into legal ones, which causes an attenuated sanctioning of certain precepts and an unenforceability of some obligations. Its normative formulation limits the principle of autonomy of will, with a high percentage of mandatory rules, which leads to the affirmation of a certain character of public law. It is transpersonal, its rules do not protect a particular interest but a family interest by regulating interpersonal rights and obligations.
Family law is essentially contained in our Civil Code. The foral Compilations contain, for their respective territories, their own rules and institutions, the most characteristic of which are those relating to the matrimonial property regime. We can also speak of a "constitutionalized" family law. In our Constitution the family is contemplated in different places. Thus, Article 32: Men and women have the right to enter into marriage with full legal equality. The law shall regulate the forms of marriage, the age and capacity to contract it, the rights and duties of the spouses, the causes of separation and dissolution and their effects; art. 39: the public authorities ensure the social, economic and legal protection of the family... likewise, the integral protection of children, who are equal before the law.... The law will make possible the investigation of paternity.
Art. 53 establishes the family as the principle that inspires legislation, judicial practice and the actions of the public authorities. Art. 18.1 guarantees the right to family privacy, even in the face of the freedom of expression of Art. 20.4; Art. 27.3 recognizes the right of parents to ensure that their children receive the religious and moral training that is in accordance with their own convictions; Art. 35 calls for sufficient remuneration to meet family needs; and Art. 50 takes into account family obligations in promoting the welfare of the elderly.
A family lawyer is a legal professional specialized in handling matters related to family law. He or she is a lawyer who is familiar with all the legal problems that may arise in family relationships. Among the matters that your family lawyer will be able to help you with are such usual matters as divorces, separations, inheritances, incapacities, extinction of joint-ownership and many others.
Who are we?
G. Elías y Muñoz Abogados is a Family Law Firm specialized in Family Law and, therefore, we are able to defend your interests no matter what they are. And if you have to defend your interests with a Family Lawyer in a divorce proceeding, inheritance, marital property, guardianship, extinction of joint ownership or any issue related to family law, you can be calm and have the certainty that you have come to the right place. You only have to leave it in the hands of our family lawyers and they will take care of everything necessary for you to win the lawsuit or defend your interests. You will have the option of being attended by an expert lawyer in family law in Madrid.
In our team we have family law and matrimonial lawyers in Madrid specialized in matters such as express and conventional divorces (mutual agreement and contentious), separations, shared custody, liquidation of marital property, drafting of regulatory agreements, modification of measures and other procedures, which will attend your case with the solvency it requires.
Family Law is in charge of regulating human and legal relationships related to the family in general. Among others, are framed within our areas of practice of Family Law.
Get specialized advice on any issue related to Family Law from our family lawyers.
You would be surprised to know how many people, when facing a divorce or separation, are not aware of the rights and obligations to which they are subject according to the Family Law. In this sense, it is essential to count on the services of qualified family lawyers who are members of the Madrid Bar Association. Believe us if we tell you that we have attended cases of people who have signed regulatory agreements extraordinarily unfavorable to their interests and that, now, they have to suffer the consequences or face costly legal proceedings to modify them.
It is clear that a divorce or the breakup of a domestic partnership is not an easy time in anyone's life. In fact, it is possible that, if you are in that situation in Madrid, you may not even feel like facing the process. The best of all is that, by putting yourself in the hands of our family lawyers, you will not have to worry about anything.
They will be in charge of taking your case to the end and advising you as to what your best options are. The same can be said, regarding the situation in which your family will be left, with respect to the paternal-filial measures to be adopted. Do not forget that Family Law and the associated laws have been designed with the purpose of defending minors.
On the other hand, our family lawyers Madrid can also advise you in the opposite case, that is, if you are going to get married and you are not sure whether to choose a regime of community property or separation of property with your partner. Do not forget that the choice of one or the other will mean that, if there is a separation or divorce, the legal actions to be taken by the family lawyers in Madrid who represent you will be different. In fact, the situation in which all the members of your family will be left will also be different.
The divorce decree, in most cases, does not mean the end of the services of our family lawyers. This is due, fundamentally, to the fact that each family lawyer is responsible for continuing to help and advise their clients so that they can adapt correctly to the new dominant legal situation in their lives. In fact, it is common among the people we serve in Madrid that everyday problems arise after the fact. We certainly try to be of help to them as long as they need us. With you, if you resort to our family services, we will do the same.
But, in addition, within our specialty in Family Law, our family lawyers in Madrid also deal with inheritance issues. By this we mean that our professionals specialized in the field of family law will advise you after the loss of a loved one to whom you are heir. In this way, you will have the help of someone who, at such a delicate moment, looks after your interests and defends them so that you do not have to worry about anything else.
In this sense, our family lawyers Madrid can also advise you about the right time to make a will or, failing that, guide you through the process of modification in case you have changed your mind about the distribution of your assets.
Finally, the work of our family lawyers in Madrid also covers international law. Why? We know that, nowadays, there is an increasing number of families whose members are of different nationalities and that this can lead to problems related to, for example, changes of residence, obtaining nationality, etc.
Thanks to this coverage and to the knowledge that our family lawyers have regarding the signed International Treaties and Conventions, you will know exactly what to do at every moment to regularize your situation, that of your partner and that of your family in Madrid in general.
Our Law Firm provides services with Family Lawyers in Madrid and Community of Madrid and we also act throughout Spain.
Our specialized lawyers will be able to advise and help you in any matter related to Family Law.
For a correct advice we have a central office in Madrid, as well as delegations in Pozuelo de Alarcón, Majadahonda and Villalba.
You should call us whenever you need our services, but you have to keep in mind that in Family Litigation Law there are very short expiration and prescription periods. So do not delay your consultation and call us.
The best way is to call us at the following telephone numbers:
915 71 17 87 y 620 151 515.
Or if you wish you can send us an email to info@eliasymunozabogados.com
We will give you an appointment in less than 24 hours!
This is a guarantee that only our family law firm in Madrid can offer you. In addition, once you are attended by a lawyer specialized in Family Law, they will not need more than 72 hours to give you the answer you are looking for in case they cannot give you an appointment in person. From there, these lawyers Family Law Madrid will proceed to outline a strategy by which to defend your interests in any trial or litigation.
Keep in mind that you will always be part of the process and, based on our advice, you will be responsible for making the most important decisions.
Our services with an expert family law attorney are always fee-based and we will take into account the complexity of each case when establishing the fees. We have the possibility of financing your procedure. Contact us.
G.Elias y Muñoz Abogados has specialized Family Lawyers in Madrid and the Community of Madrid who will be able to advise and help you in any matter related to Family Law.
Call us and make an appointment in our offices in Madrid, Pozuelo, Villalba or Majadahonda.
When two people decide to apply for divorce proceedings, a series of long-term premises must be agreed upon regarding the regulation of behaviour in the family...
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When the parents die, the house they used as a family home or any other house they owned becomes the property of their heirs. However, there are situations that...
It is possible that, when the parents are still alive, they may decide to donate a house to one of their children, either because they are in a worse financial...
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Some couples marry before having children. There are also those who prefer to register only as unmarried partners. However, it is an inescapable reality that...
As you may well know, the Civil Code in force in Spain provides that couples can get married using two different regimes: community property and separation of...
In this article we explain who the forced heirs are and the relationship they have with the reserved portion as determined in article 806 of the Civil Code...
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What types of matrimonial property regime are there? When two people decide to get married, it is advisable to choose the matrimonial property regime in which...