As lawyers specialising in real estate law, we know that a very common and, why not say it, problematic issue regarding properties and, therefore, their owners...
Specialists in Real Estate Law
► Drafting and advising on leasing, purchase and sale contracts, purchase option,
► Advice on purchase and sale transactions
► Assistance in leases
► Eviction lawsuits...
Who are we?
G.Elías y Muñoz Lawyers is a Law Firm specialized in Real Estate Law and, therefore, we are able to look after your interests no matter what they may be.
If you are an individual or a company and you have to face any legal dispute with the purpose of obtaining what really corresponds to you, you can be calm and have the certainty that you have come to the right place. You only have to leave it in the hands of our expert lawyers in Real Estate Law and they will take care of everything necessary for you to win the lawsuit or defend your interests.
The real estate lawyers of G. Elías y Muñoz Abogados, operating in Madrid, have extensive knowledge in eviction trials and other urban matters related to leases, sales and purchases, etc.
Our Law Firm provides services with Lawyers experts in Real Estate Law in Madrid and Community of Madrid and also we act in all Spain.
Our specialized lawyers will be able to advise and help you in any matter related to Real Estate Law or related to real estate issues.
In order to provide you with a correct advice we have a central office in Madrid, as well as delegations in Pozuelo de Alarcón, Majadahonda and Villalba.
You should call us whenever you need our services, but you have to keep in mind that any legal matter must be solved as soon as possible. In the cases of procedural demands there are peremptory deadlines. Therefore, do not delay your consultation and call us.
The best way is to call us at the following telephone numbers:
915 71 17 87 and 620 151 515.
You can also send us a message from our Chat or a Whatsapp
Or if you want send us an email to info@eliasymunozabogados.com
We will give you an appointment in less than 24 hours!
This is a guarantee that only our Real Estate Law Firm in Madrid can offer you.
In addition, once you are attended by one of them in Real Estate Law, they will not need more than 72 hours to give you the answer you are looking for in the event that it cannot be given to you in the face-to-face appointment. From there on, these lawyers in Real Estate Law Madrid will proceed to outline a strategy by which to defend your interests in any trial or litigation. Keep in mind that you will always be part of the process and, based on our advice, will be responsible for making the most important decisions.
Our services are always remunerated. For this reason, we usually establish a minimum initial amount in concept of fixed fees that will remunerate our work and a variable percentage that will depend on the procedural moment in which the amount is obtained. In certain cases we can accept to fix the fees based on a percentage of the amount obtained.
We also offer the possibility of financing the procedure.
Our Law Firm has specialized Lawyers in Madrid and Community of Madrid that will be able to advise and help you in any question related to Real Estate Law.
Call us and make an appointment in our offices in Madrid, Pozuelo; Villalba or Majadahonda where our lawyers will assist you.
Trust in our Lawyers specialized in Real Estate Law.
As lawyers specialising in real estate law, we know that a very common and, why not say it, problematic issue regarding properties and, therefore, their owners...
In our country, setting up a business is an increasingly simple process. However, all entrepreneurs are always faced with the same problem at the time of...
The cadastre is a public and official register that collects information on real estate (land, buildings, facilities, etc.) located in a given territory. The...
In a recent case involving the exchange of a plot of land in exchange for building work, the Supreme Court has declared that the delay in the delivery of the...