In this article we will try to explain, as simply as possible, what a claim for payment consists of, as well as the necessary process to be carried out. All of...
In this article we will try to explain, as simply as possible, what a claim for payment consists of, as well as the necessary process to be carried out. All of...
Processing an inheritance in the Autonomous Community of Madrid and, in general, in the rest of Spain, is not a process that can be considered simple. In fact...
What does Apud acta mean? Undoubtedly, a question that many may not have asked themselves, but which is absolutely essential for those who are going to face a...
Calculation of a lawyer's fees This is a question that many clients and professionals ask us about. Lawyers' fees are free and must be agreed by mutual...
During the state of alarm decreed during the pandemic, different measures were taken that affected civil rights. With the second wave, these measures have been...
The resumption of the school year in September 2020 poses a real challenge for parents of children who are faced with the dilemma of choosing between the right...
Online consultations, videoconferences and any digital service, have become even more important as a result of the confinement experienced and as a means to...
Layoffs are the main reasons why workers are dismissed...
Did you know that May is the month with the highest number of employment enquiries? This is mainly due to the fact that it is the month before June, that is...
Commercial law, also often referred to as commercial law, is one of the many branches of law. Its purpose is the regulation of the relationships that take place...
Anyone who has committed a crime in the past often has the uneasiness of not knowing whether they have a criminal record that could affect them in the future...
Sí, tanto si el divorcio se tramita por la vía del mutuo acuerdo como si se tramita por la vía contenciosa es preceptiva la intervención de Letrado. Sin embargo...
There are many cases in which you can make a claim. You can claim in case you have been the victim of an accident, at work, in traffic, in a shopping centre, in...
I have had a traffic accident, how long do I have to make a claim?
According to a recent ruling handed down by the Labour Division of our Supreme Court, it has been established that in the case of a possible clarification of...
When there is degradation for the worker in the functions that he/she has been carrying out, there is the possibility of requesting the termination of the...
The European Court of Human Rights has handed down a groundbreaking judgment in which it considers that there is no violation of the right to respect for...
The different family courts and tribunals are increasingly more inclined and favourable to grant joint custody as long as it is more advantageous for the...
The Supreme Court establishes the liability of credit institutions for amounts paid into an account opened in the name of the property developer. In G. Elias y...
On 31 January 2016 the new revised text of the Law on Traffic, Circulation and Road Safety, approved by RDLeg 6/2015, of 30 October, will come into force, which...