Representation and defence in Commercial Courts
Organic Law 8/2003 of 9 July 2003 for Bankruptcy Reform, which amends Organic Law 6/1985 of 1 July 1985 on the Judiciary, for Bankruptcy Reform, in addition to other amendments, includes a new article 86.bis in Organic Law 6/1985 of 1 July 1985 on the Judiciary, which creates commercial courts.
This article states that in each province, with jurisdiction over the whole province and headquarters in its capital, there will be one or more commercial courts; although they may also be established in towns other than the provincial capital when, in view of the population, the existence of industrial or commercial centres and economic activity, this is advisable, the scope of their jurisdiction being delimited in each case.
Likewise, commercial courts may be established that extend their jurisdiction to two or more provinces of the same Autonomous Community. Article LO 6/1985 of 1 July 1985 provides that the Commercial Courts of Alicante will also have jurisdiction, in the first instance and exclusively, to hear all disputes brought under the provisions of Rgto. 207/2009 of 26 February 2009, on the Community trade mark, and Rgto. 6/2002 of 12 December 2001, on Community designs.

Commercial law news

Unfair competition, also known as unlawful competition, is one of the most complex issues in the field of commercial law. Because it can occur in an infinite...

Business accelerators are organisations or programmes that provide support and resources to startups and entrepreneurs in the early stages of their company's...

Illiquidity refers to the inability of an entity or individual to convert assets into cash quickly without incurring significant losses. In other words, it is...

The mandate contract is an agreement in which a person, called the principal, entrusts another person, called the agent, with the performance of certain actions...

Due diligence is a process of thorough investigation and analysis undertaken to evaluate a company, an individual or an investment opportunity. The objective of...

A surety is a guarantee offered to ensure the fulfilment of a contractual or legal obligation. It is a contract whereby a third party, called a surety or...

A company's articles of association are a legal document that sets out the rules and regulations governing the organisation and operation of a company. These...

An offshore company is a legal entity created in a foreign country for commercial, financial or tax purposes. The term "offshore" refers to the fact that the...

A pledgee is a person or entity that has a security interest in movable or immovable property that has been pledged as security for a debt. In other words, it...

The venture capital is a form of financing companies in early-stage or growth companies involving venture capital investment in emerging companies and startups...

A corporate restructuring process is a strategy used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of a company. In general, restructuring involves significant...

A capital reduction is a financial operation that consists of reducing the nominal value of a company's share capital. This can be done for different reasons, e...