Law Degree from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM).
Master's Degree in Civil Litigation Practice, Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Jurídicas de Madrid (CEIJ).
Course on Family Matters with a Foreign Element: International Jurisdiction and Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments at the Madrid Bar Association.
Course on Procedural and Extraprocedural Strategies for Banking Products at the Madrid Bar Association.
Course on Complex Products: Problems of its commercialization to retail clients (Structured, Multicurrency Mortgages and Preferred) at the Madrid Bar Association.
In a divorce with community property, it is essential to carry out the liquidation of the partnership. From this process, the distribution of said assets...
It is possible that, when the parents are still alive, they may decide to donate a house to one of their children, either because they are in a worse financial...
The third degree of imprisonment, also known as open regime or semi-liberty regime, is a modality of serving a custodial sentence that is characterised by the...
Theft and robbery are two concepts that often cause confusion among citizens. So much so that it is not uncommon to hear people confusing them. But what exactly...
The essence of unlawfulness refers to those actions or omissions that contravene the provisions of the legal system. In other words, it refers to conduct that...
If a family member has been detained, it is important to act quickly and effectively to ensure that they receive a fair trial and their rights are protected...
Guilt or malice? Undoubtedly, two concepts that create a lot of confusion among those who are not used to expressing themselves in the legal sphere. Therefore...
Although criminal law and civil law are different, the two sometimes overlap because the same behaviour gives rise to both civil and criminal liability. On the...
The effects of not paying the mortgage depend on the status of the individual's debt. In the case that the non-payment is limited to a few months, interest for...
Getting the most out of our home insurance will depend on how well we understand the coverages and guarantees we have contracted. Many policyholders are unaware...
Although renting is an excellent option to obtain additional income, it can also cause some setbacks with tenants, such as non-payment of rent, among other...
When a customer does not pay, as long as they do not fall within a contractual payment period, the first thing to do is to claim the debt. If you have a...