
How to report a case of gender-based violence
Criminal Law

How to report a case of gender-based violence

Unfortunately, reports of gender-based violence are the order of the day. However, in many cases, there are doubts about how to report it. Especially if we are...

26 May 2024
Competencia desleal
Commercial law

What is unfair competition?

Unfair competition, also known as unlawful competition, is one of the most complex issues in the field of commercial law. Because it can occur in an infinite...

21 May 2024
Easement of light and views
Civil law

Easement of light and views

As lawyers specialising in real estate law, we know that a very common and, why not say it, problematic issue regarding properties and, therefore, their owners...

21 May 2024
Acceptance with benefit of inventory
Family Law

Acceptance with benefit of inventory

Acceptance with benefit of inventory is one of the concepts that raises the most doubts regarding the collection of inheritances. But what exactly is it and how...

20 May 2024
Public health offences. Defence and advice
Criminal Law

Public health offences. Defence and advice

Public health is a judicial asset that refers to the defence of collective well-being, i.e., of society as a whole. In fact, it is protected in Article 43.2 of...

14 May 2024
Consumers, their rights and obligations
Commercial law

Consumers, their rights and obligations

We are all habitual consumers. In fact, our whole life revolves around the consumption of products. The shopping basket, the Internet service provider, the...

11 May 2024
Donation of money from parents to children
Family Law

Donation of money from parents to children

There are many reasons why it makes sense to make gifts from parents and children instead of waiting until death and the subsequent distribution of the...

8 May 2024
I have been fired from my job, what do I do?
Labour Law

I have been fired from my job, what do I do?

What to do when you are made redundant? This is undoubtedly a situation that no worker wants to live through, but that most have to face at some point in their...

6 May 2024
Notice of voluntary departure
Labour Law

Notice of voluntary departure

The voluntary notice of termination is a document that the worker must present when he/she wants to terminate the employment relationship with the company...

2 May 2024
example Appeal

Appeal. What it is, examples, time limit

El recurso de alzada, según la Ley 29/2015, es el medio de impugnación establecido para todos aquellos actos administrativos que no ponen fin a la vía...

28 April 2024
Difference between separation and divorce
Family Law

Difference between separation and divorce

According to the latest data provided by the CGPJ (General Council of the Judiciary), in 2020, 95,060 divorce, separation and annulment cases were processed in...

25 April 2024
Right of way
Civil law

Rights of way

Easements in law are an interesting but complex concept. For this reason, it is quite common for property owners to turn to specialised lawyers for advice on...

22 April 2024
Shared custody of pets, is it possible?
Family Law

Shared custody of pets, is it possible?

Pets were no longer considered purely private property after a long overdue change in civil law. They finally recognized themselves for what they were, sentient...

16 April 2024
disciplinary dismissal
Labour Law

Disciplinary dismissal for serious misconduct

Any employer, whenever one of his employees commits a series of faults stipulated as serious in the Workers' Statute, has the power to unilaterally terminate...

15 April 2024
What is the contentious administrative appeal
Law Firm

What is the contentious administrative appeal

Surely, on more than one occasion, you have heard or read that, in the face of a certain event, only an administrative appeal can be lodged. However, it is...

5 April 2024
divorce when one of the parties disagrees
Family Law

Divorce when one of the parties disagrees

One of the most common questions asked by law firms specialising in marital separations is whether one of the parties can divorce when the other does not want...

3 April 2024
Can a child be disinherited in Spain?
Family Law

Can a child be disinherited in Spain?

Family conflicts often give rise to very unpleasant situations. In fact, there are times when, as a result of them, many people wonder whether a child can be...

3 April 2024
Change of workplace Can I refuse a transfer?
Labour Law

Change of workplace Can I refuse a transfer?

Geographical mobility is a tricky issue under the Workers' Statute. Therefore, here we want to analyse it in depth, especially with the aim of explaining...

28 March 2024
Termination of a contract for non-performance
Civil law

Termination of a contract for non-performance

Is it possible to terminate a contract if one of the parties does not comply with the terms of the contract? The answer, according to the Civil Code and case...

27 March 2024
False denunciation
Criminal Law

What happens if I receive a false report

In recent months, due to the emergence of certain actors on the political scene and the priority that public institutions are giving to actions against gender...

26 March 2024
Delito de injurias y calumnias
Criminal Law

What are crimes against honour?

Surely, on television or in the press, you have heard on more than one occasion about crimes against people's honour. However, do you know what they are and...

26 March 2024
Speedy trial, what it is and how it works
Criminal Law

Speedy trial, what it is and how it works

In recent years, the term " speedy trial" has become very popular. So much so that, in some cases, it is not used properly. That is why here we will explain...

25 March 2024
anonymous complaint
Criminal Law

Is it possible to file an anonymous complaint?

Anonymously denouncing a person or even a company is perfectly legal, even if it is not always the most advisable thing to do. However, it is a question that...

22 March 2024
Damage offences: penalties, types, negligence
Criminal Law

Damage offences: penalties, types, negligence

Destroying or damaging another person's property, regardless of whether it is movable or immovable, is a criminal offence under the Criminal Code. Specifically...

16 March 2024
What is a collective agreement?
Labour Law

What is a collective agreement?

A collective agreement is an agreement between one or more employers' organisations and one or more trade union organisations that sets out the terms and...

12 March 2024
What are shares in companies?
Commercial law

What are shares in companies?

Shares are a term used in business and finance to refer to a form of ownership in a company. They are also known as shares or participation quotas and represent...

5 March 2024
What is cybercrime?
Criminal Law

What is cybercrime?

Computer-related crimes, also known as cybercrime or telematic crimes, are crimes committed using information and communication technologies (ICT) as a means of...

26 February 2024
What is the presumption of innocence?
Criminal Law

What is the presumption of innocence?

The presumption of innocence is a fundamental principle of criminal law which states that any person accused of a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty...

20 February 2024
What is a patent of invention?
Commercial law

What is a patent of invention?

An invention patent is an exclusive right granted by a government to an inventor for a certain period of time to exploit a particular invention. In other words...

13 February 2024
Divorce types of divorce process

Divorce, types of divorce and process

Divorce is one of the judicial processes most frequently requested by Spaniards. For this reason, we would like to dedicate this article to talk about it...

12 February 2024
What are business accelerators?
Commercial law

What are business accelerators?

Business accelerators are organisations or programmes that provide support and resources to startups and entrepreneurs in the early stages of their company's...

7 February 2024
What is illiquidity?
Commercial law

What is illiquidity?

Illiquidity refers to the inability of an entity or individual to convert assets into cash quickly without incurring significant losses. In other words, it is...

2 February 2024
Calculate severance pay
Labour Law

How to calculate the severance pay?

Many people tend to confuse the concepts of severance pay and severance pay. However, they do not refer to the same thing. In fact, we could say that all...

2 February 2024
What is copyright?
Civil law

What is copyright?

Copyright is a set of exclusive rights that protect literary, artistic, scientific and other original works of human creativity. These rights are granted to...

24 January 2024
Works Council
Labour Law

Works Council

The Spanish Constitution and the Workers' Statute recognise the right to organise. However, they can exercise it in different ways. For example, directly...

23 January 2024
Rights of unmarried couples
Family Law

Unmarried couples: What rights do they have?

Domestic partnership and marriage are two expressions with which we are all quite familiar. However, when it comes down to it, it is common to make mistakes and...

20 January 2024
What is embezzlement?
Criminal Law

What is embezzlement?

Embezzlement is a crime that involves the illegal use of public or organisational funds for personal or improper purposes. In other words, embezzlement is the...

16 January 2024
What is the principle of legality?
Criminal Law

What is the principle of legality?

The principle of legality is one of the fundamental pillars of the rule of law and refers to the fact that the public authority is subject to the law and can...

9 January 2024
Road safety offences in the Criminal Code
Criminal Law

Road safety offences in the Criminal Code

Safety on public roads is a legal asset that deserves protection. This is why the Penal Code provides for fines, loss of points and even prison sentences if...

8 January 2024
What is the mandate contract?
Commercial law

What is the mandate contract?

The mandate contract is an agreement in which a person, called the principal, entrusts another person, called the agent, with the performance of certain actions...

2 January 2024
What is administrative silence?

What is administrative silence?

Administrative silence is the lack of response from the public administration to an application, appeal or request submitted by a citizen or entity. In other...

27 December 2023
Segregation of land, what is it?
Civil law

Segregation of land, what is it?

Farm segregation is the process of dividing a property into two or more separate parcels or lots. This is usually done to create smaller parcels that can be...

19 December 2023
What is the cadastre?
Civil law

What is the cadastre?

The cadastre is a public and official register that collects information on real estate (land, buildings, facilities, etc.) located in a given territory. The...

11 December 2023
Abuse in the family
Criminal Law

Abuse in the family: what does the law say?

Domestic abuse is an offence under the Penal Code which, unfortunately, has become a scourge in our society. However, there are more and more regulations that...

6 December 2023
Pyramid schemes, how to detect them?
Criminal Law

Pyramid schemes, how to detect them?

Pyramid schemes are a type of fraud in which fraudsters recruit investors by promising high financial returns in exchange for investing money in a scheme that...

5 December 2023
Pre-nuptial agreements in Spain
Family Law

Pre-nuptial agreements in Spain

Generally, when we think of a prenuptial agreement, American films and series come to mind. Something normal if we take into account that in Spain they do not...

22 November 2023
Criminal compliance What is it?
Criminal Law

Criminal compliance What is it?

Criminal compliance, also known as criminal compliance, refers to the set of measures and procedures implemented by a company or organisation to prevent and...

21 November 2023
what is loss of profit?
Civil law

What is loss of profit?

Loss of profit refers to the loss of earnings or profits that a person or business loses due to a particular situation. It is generally used in the legal or...

14 November 2023
Provisional measures in a divorce
Family Law

Provisional measures in a divorce

Some months may pass between the time when a couple decides to end their relationship by filing for divorce and a judge issues the corresponding judgement...

8 November 2023
What is an urban planning certificate?
Civil law

What is an urban planning certificate?

An urban planning certificate is a document that contains relevant information about a specific area or piece of land in terms of its urban use and development...

7 November 2023
Can a court judgement be paid in instalments?
Criminal Law

Can a court judgement be paid in instalments?

You may have received a court judgement against you. You are ordered to pay the debt you owed to the plaintiff in the past. However, you do not have enough...

3 November 2023
What is the crime of misappropriation?
Civil law

What is the crime of misappropriation?

Misappropriation is an offence under the Penal Code that is subject to heavy penalties. However, it is one of the most controversial crimes because it is...

2 November 2023
What is a trust?
Family Law

What is a trust?

A trust is a legal and financial arrangement in which one person or entity (the settlor) transfers control and ownership of certain property or assets to...

31 October 2023
What is due diligence?
Commercial law

What is due diligence?

Due diligence is a process of thorough investigation and analysis undertaken to evaluate a company, an individual or an investment opportunity. The objective of...

24 October 2023
What is the right of accretion?
Family Law

What is the right of accretion?

The right of accretion is a legal concept that refers to the possibility for an heir or legatee to receive the portion of an inheritance or legacy corresponding...

18 October 2023
Benefit of inventory, what is it?
Family Law

Benefit of inventory, what is it?

The benefit of inventory refers to the legal process by which the heirs of a deceased person determine the value of the deceased's assets and property in order...

10 October 2023
What is a precarious tenancy?
Civil law

What is a precarious tenancy?

A tenancy in precarious tenancy is a rental contract in which the tenant, i.e. the person occupying the property, does not have a legally binding contract with...

3 October 2023
Types of custody
Family Law

Types of custody after divorce

One of the essential steps during divorce proceedings in Spain with children is to determine what type of custody and guardianship will be applied to the...

2 October 2023

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