A surety is a guarantee offered to ensure the fulfilment of a contractual or legal obligation. It is a contract whereby a third party, called a surety or...
A surety is a guarantee offered to ensure the fulfilment of a contractual or legal obligation. It is a contract whereby a third party, called a surety or...
The figure of fair dismissal generates many doubts among workers. In fact, there are many myths surrounding it, such as that those who suffer it are not...
From a legal point of view, we must define what is meant by an accident at work. Our legislation determines that "an accident at work is any bodily injury that...
A company's articles of association are a legal document that sets out the rules and regulations governing the organisation and operation of a company. These...
Article 37.5 of the Workers' Statute defines exactly what the reduction of working hours for legal guardianship is, its conditions and requirements. This is a...
An offshore company is a legal entity created in a foreign country for commercial, financial or tax purposes. The term "offshore" refers to the fact that the...
Inheritance tax is a tax burden that all inhabitants of Spain have to pay when they receive an inheritance. In fact, this is true even if we live in an...
Absolute permanent incapacity is recognised for all those people who, due to injury or illness, are unable to do any kind of work. Popularly, it is also known...
A pledgee is a person or entity that has a security interest in movable or immovable property that has been pledged as security for a debt. In other words, it...
Flagrante delicto (also known as in flagrante delicto or in flagrante delicto) refers to a situation in which a person is caught in the act of committing a...
There are circumstances in which the employer is obliged to notify the employee of the termination of the employment relationship between them. This is what is...
El tráfico de influencias es una práctica ilícita en la cual una persona utiliza su posición de poder o influencia para obtener beneficios personales o para...
Using violence to prevent another person from doing something not prohibited by law or from doing something just or unjust against his or her will. This is how...
A civil enforcement proceeding is a legal procedure used to enforce a judgment or judgment in a civil case. This process is initiated after a court has issued a...
Guardianship and curatorship are, fundamentally, the two main institutions of legal protection and guardianship in the Spanish legal system with respect to...
The cervical vertebrae make up the upper end of the spinal column. Specifically, they are located in the neck and have the function of supporting the head. It...
The venture capital is a form of financing companies in early-stage or growth companies involving venture capital investment in emerging companies and startups...
In order to understand what a false disciplinary dismissal is, it is necessary to take into account what a disciplinary dismissal is. Specifically, it is a way...
The waiver of penitential earnest money refers to the waiver or cancellation of a contract that has been guaranteed by the payment of penitential earnest money...
Continuing offence is a legal concept that refers to a series of criminal actions that, although individually they could constitute separate offences, are...
Money laundering is the process by which the illicit origin of funds obtained through criminal activity is concealed so that they appear to be the result of...
When a person inherits or receives a donation, they may be subject to this tax which is used to generate revenue for municipal governments. This article...
A subpoena is an official notification that a person receives, informing them that they are being investigated for an alleged crime and summoned to appear...
Degrees of consanguinity are a measure used to determine the kinship between two people. They are based on the number of generations separating individuals and...
Although there are no official statistics, it is estimated that approximately 40-50% of marriages end in divorce. This figure rises even higher if we are...
The third degree of imprisonment, also known as open regime or semi-liberty regime, is a modality of serving a custodial sentence that is characterised by the...
There are times when, for whatever reason, we need to delegate the power to act on our behalf to another person. For this purpose, in the case of legal...
A corporate restructuring process is a strategy used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of a company. In general, restructuring involves significant...
When we are faced with the divorce or separation of a couple with children, the concepts of parental authority and custody always come to the fore. The problem...
A capital reduction is a financial operation that consists of reducing the nominal value of a company's share capital. This can be done for different reasons, e...
Theft and robbery are two concepts that often cause confusion among citizens. So much so that it is not uncommon to hear people confusing them. But what exactly...
A dismissal is usually one of the hardest situations that an employee has to face in the course of his or her professional life. However, not all dismissals are...
A General Meeting of Shareholders is a mandatory annual meeting held by a company to enable shareholders to discuss and vote on the most important matters...
Priority of payments is a legal term used to describe the order in which the debts and obligations of a company or individual are paid. In other words, it is a...
Litisconsortium is a legal concept which refers to the situation in which several people join together in a lawsuit or trial, either as plaintiffs or defendants...
The essence of unlawfulness refers to those actions or omissions that contravene the provisions of the legal system. In other words, it refers to conduct that...
The act of labour conciliation is an essential step when making any legal claim against a company. Through it, the aim is to reach an agreement that avoids a...
The IRPH (Índice de Referencia de Préstamos Hipotecarios) is a reference index used in Spain to fix the interest rate of mortgage loans. It was created with the...
If a family member has been detained, it is important to act quickly and effectively to ensure that they receive a fair trial and their rights are protected...
Inheritance is a legal process by which a person receives property, rights and obligations from another person after his or her death. Inheritance is governed...
When we are dismissed or, simply, the duration of our employment contract expires and we are not renewed, workers have a series of rights. Among them is the...
In Spain, everyone has the right to choose whether they wish to receive a certain treatment if they suffer from a lethal and irreversible disease that prevents...
In an insolvency proceeding, a culpable insolvency occurs when a person or entity that has filed for insolvency protection is accused of having acted recklessly...
The imposition of costs in a settlement refers to a judge's decision to order one party in a court case to pay the costs or expenses incurred by the other party...
Guilt or malice? Undoubtedly, two concepts that create a lot of confusion among those who are not used to expressing themselves in the legal sphere. Therefore...
A gift of an estate is the act of transferring assets or property from a deceased person to a designated recipient (usually a person or persons) by will or...
A sports representation contract is an agreement between an athlete and a sports agent that sets out the terms and conditions under which the agent acts on...
Although criminal law and civil law are different, the two sometimes overlap because the same behaviour gives rise to both civil and criminal liability. On the...
Reduced working hours to care for children or other dependent family members is a right that all workers have. The purpose? To make it easier to reconcile their...
It is probably the most thankless moment in anyone's career. It doesn't matter whether we are talking from the employee's or the employer's point of view...
The rights of partners in a business partnership are an important issue to consider when setting up or joining a company. These rights are set out in the law...
Accounting auditors are professionals in charge of verifying and adjudicating that the accounting books of a company or institution are reliable and authentic...
Contractual liability, or also known as contractual civil liability, is a set of legal obligations arising from the conclusion of a contract. All parties are...
Ordinary appeals are those that can be lodged for any reason or on any basis, i.e. modification, exception, appeal or complaint. Extraordinary appeals, on the...
Lawyers specialising in civil law deal with the personal, family and professional relations and obligations of citizens at the legal level. They are mainly...
Civil contracts are an agreement between two or more voluntary parties that creates or transfers rights or obligations. In other words, civil contracts are used...
Non-residents in Spain who own any urban property in Spain will be subject to non-resident income tax and local tax, known as Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles...
The liquidation of a company is a compulsory process following the dissolution of any company. The purpose is none other than to distribute the company's assets...
First of all, it should be borne in mind that the first to be paid are the so-called anti-mass claims. Then, in this strict order, secured or mortgaged...
Labour lawsuits are usually oral in nature, so it is clear that the judge requires the lawyer's conduct to be concrete. When an employee decides to file a...
Self-defence is a concept with which we are all familiar. After all, it appears in countless Hollywood films. However, it is common to make mistakes regarding...
The effects of not paying the mortgage depend on the status of the individual's debt. In the case that the non-payment is limited to a few months, interest for...
After a separation or divorce, either by mutual agreement or by court decision, parents can follow a shared custody regime over their minor or incapacitated...
Many people confuse the crime of receiving with the crime of concealment, and vice versa. This is especially curious when it occurs in television programs...
Getting the most out of our home insurance will depend on how well we understand the coverages and guarantees we have contracted. Many policyholders are unaware...
An exequatur is the official and legally binding recognition of a foreign judgment. Any interested person can apply for this certificate. But for this, there...
There are many doubts about the liability of the partners in a limited partnership. Despite the fact that anyone can establish one quickly and easily, it is...
If the grandparents want guardianship of their grandchildren and both parents withdraw their parental rights, they should file an injunction in court and hire a...
Paid leave in the Workers' Statute is regulated in Article 37. However, as is always the case, this legal text shows the minimum applicable, but collective...
Inheritances are subject to inheritance tax. Many people do not realize that whether they receive money or goods, inheriting an estate means paying high taxes...
Currently, the Workers' Statute provides for a series of legal reasons that allow the employer to terminate the employment relationship with an employee under...
When the inherited usufruct is only the family house, each sibling has a division like any other sibling. In this way, it will be before the image of a...
Although renting is an excellent option to obtain additional income, it can also cause some setbacks with tenants, such as non-payment of rent, among other...
Company closures due to mobility or company retirement is a fear and a reality that many workers have to face. Therefore, if you are in such a situation, it is...
A widow's or widower's pension is a financial payment from the social security system to cover the financial needs of one of the partners when the other partner...
False self-employed workers are currently the target of labour inspections. It is a figure that is included in the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers...
Are you thinking of getting married? Then you have probably heard about separate and community property. However, you may not know exactly what they are and...
All of us, at some point in our lives, have to deal with the distribution of inheritances from family members. Generally, from our parents when they pass away...
Every year the number of couples who decide to end their marriage after the holidays is increasing. In Spain, for example, statistics show that divorces occur...
Owning each account and segregating assets is critical to taking care of your own funds in the event of a marital separation. Remaining financially independent...
All dismissals must be notified to workers in writing through a so-called letter of dismissal, in which the reason for dismissal is clearly indicated, whether...
When a customer does not pay, as long as they do not fall within a contractual payment period, the first thing to do is to claim the debt. If you have a...
According to article 115.1 of the General Law on Social Security, an accident at work is any bodily injury suffered by a worker as a direct consequence of his...
A road traffic accident compensation is a financial and personal compensation received by the injured party in a road traffic collision. Its purpose is to...
If your partner's child does not have a parent, you could adopt him or her. You would then become the child's legal guardian together with your partner. A...
Most workers need to travel a certain distance on foot, by car or by public transport to get to and from their place of work. This is not work time per se, but...
La mediación laboral es un procedimiento administrativo previo a la presentación de un caso. La acción es obligatoria y forma parte de lo que pueden hacer los...
If you have been cheated, it is important to know what to do. The first thing to do is to report it to the bank, the police or the consumer advice bureaux.
Condominium extinguishment is the absence of a common interest in a property owned by several persons. Condominiums are jointly owned by multiple owners, with...
The imprisonment of certain types of offenders can be counterproductive. This is the case, for example, in cases where minor offences have been committed and...
When one of the heirs is absent and the division of the inheritance or the distribution of the assets cannot be carried out, it is necessary to apply for a...
Divorce in Spain is perfectly regulated and offers several alternatives depending on the situation of the couple that has just broken up. In this sense, the...
Inheritance tax is levied on the transfer of assets and rights in the event of a person's death. Thus, all assets, rights and obligations included in that...
A separation or divorce is a very hard time emotionally. So much so that, in some cases, extreme decisions are taken. This is the case, for example, of not...
Unfortunately, dismissals are the order of the day and can occur at any time in our working life and many times we do not know what to do when we do not agree...
One of the most important employee rights is the recognition of seniority. This is mainly due to the fact that it can lead to an increase in the payroll in the...
A matrimonial lawyer is the person who represents and advises his clients in divorce proceedings. At such a complicated time as a break-up, only an expert will...
All legal proceedings result in a judgment. It specifies how one party is to compensate the other. However, there are times when the recipient does not receive...
Notarial divorce is what is popularly known as ' express divorce'. This is mainly due to the fact that it considerably speeds up the process, so that it can be...
The number of people who decide to register in the Register of Domestic Partnerships is growing steadily. In fact, it is a very interesting option for all those...