Civil law

what is loss of profit?
Civil law

What is loss of profit?

Loss of profit refers to the loss of earnings or profits that a person or business loses due to a particular situation. It is generally used in the legal or...

14 November 2023
What is an urban planning certificate?
Civil law

What is an urban planning certificate?

An urban planning certificate is a document that contains relevant information about a specific area or piece of land in terms of its urban use and development...

7 November 2023
What is the crime of misappropriation?
Civil law

What is the crime of misappropriation?

Misappropriation is an offence under the Penal Code that is subject to heavy penalties. However, it is one of the most controversial crimes because it is...

2 November 2023
What is a precarious tenancy?
Civil law

What is a precarious tenancy?

A tenancy in precarious tenancy is a rental contract in which the tenant, i.e. the person occupying the property, does not have a legally binding contract with...

3 October 2023
What is a Civil Enforcement Process?
Civil law

What is a Civil Enforcement Process?

A civil enforcement proceeding is a legal procedure used to enforce a judgment or judgment in a civil case. This process is initiated after a court has issued a...

7 August 2023
¿Qué es el desistimiento de arras penitenciales?
Civil law

What is the withdrawal of penitential deposits?

The waiver of penitential earnest money refers to the waiver or cancellation of a contract that has been guaranteed by the payment of penitential earnest money...

25 July 2023
What is litisconsortium?
Civil law

What is litisconsortium?

Litisconsortium is a legal concept which refers to the situation in which several people join together in a lawsuit or trial, either as plaintiffs or defendants...

11 May 2023
What is contractual liability?
Civil law

What is contractual liability?

Contractual liability, or also known as contractual civil liability, is a set of legal obligations arising from the conclusion of a contract. All parties are...

2 February 2023
When is an appeal ordinary and extraordinary?
Civil law

When is an appeal ordinary and extraordinary?

Ordinary appeals are those that can be lodged for any reason or on any basis, i.e. modification, exception, appeal or complaint. Extraordinary appeals, on the...

25 January 2023
What does a civil lawyer do?
Civil law

What does a civil lawyer do?

Lawyers specialising in civil law deal with the personal, family and professional relations and obligations of citizens at the legal level. They are mainly...

18 January 2023
¿Qué son los contratos civiles?
Civil law

What are civil contracts

Civil contracts are an agreement between two or more voluntary parties that creates or transfers rights or obligations. In other words, civil contracts are used...

12 January 2023
Compensation for road traffic accidents
Civil law

Compensation for road traffic accidents

A road traffic accident compensation is a financial and personal compensation received by the injured party in a road traffic collision. Its purpose is to...

7 July 2022
separation and divorce lawyers madrid
Civil law

The timing of a divorce in Spain

Divorce involves the breakdown of the marital union between two people. To do so, it is necessary to undertake a process which, when it is done by mutual...

14 January 2022
Legal incapacitation and civil incapacitation
Civil law

Legal incapacitation and civil incapacitation

A legal incapacitation is a difficult issue but, at the same time, necessary on many occasions. Thanks to it, it is possible to grant the capacity to make...

12 January 2022

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