According to Spanish law, mutual insurance companies are responsible for sick leave due to accidents or occupational diseases. Likewise, the Social Security is...
According to Spanish law, mutual insurance companies are responsible for sick leave due to accidents or occupational diseases. Likewise, the Social Security is...
By now, you probably know that all grounds for dismissal are regulated by the Workers' Statute and the collective bargaining agreements in force. These...
Incapacity for work is the state in which a worker who is not yet of retirement age suffers a health problem that prevents or hinders him/her from carrying out...
Colds, migraines, gastroenteritis? There are many minor ailments that can prevent you from going to work for one, two or three days. Obviously, you need to...
Todos los trabajadores, ya sea porque han encontrado un empleo mejor, porque no se encuentran a gusto en su puesto o por cuestiones personales de diversa índole...
On 28 March, the Spanish Parliament approved Royal Decree-Law 5/2023, more popularly known as the "law on families and teleworking". It came into force just...
Article 29 of the Workers' Regulation obliges the company to pay workers' wages on time and not exceeding one month. Even so, in many cases, companies fail to...
Dismissal can be defined as the decision taken by an employer to terminate the employment contract with a particular employee. This can occur due to various...
It is Monday morning. You get out of bed, take a shower, get into your car and drive to work. As soon as he gets in, he receives a phone call summoning him to...
In law, nullity is defined as the lack of force, value or effect of an act for not having been performed in accordance with the laws in force. This gives us an...
Senior management contracts, i.e. those intended for people who are going to occupy positions of great importance within the management team of companies, have...
When we think of the termination of an employment contract, we usually think of the situation in which the employer decides to terminate the employment of an...
It is possible that, a few days or even hours ago, your employer has unfairly dismissed you. Or, perhaps you are still working, but you know that this may...
As all our readers are surely aware, the Workers' Statute establishes a series of objective causes that justify and facilitate the termination of an employment...
Dismissal of a domestic worker The dismissal of a domestic worker must be carried out with care, respecting the worker's rights and complying with the employer...
In the event of dismissal, companies are obliged to give the employee concerned at least 15 days' notice, unless it is for disciplinary reasons. The objective...
All employees have the right to unilaterally terminate their contract with a company on their own initiative. To do so, all they have to do is to give 15...
There are times in life when an employee may want to temporarily terminate their employment relationship with their employer. The purpose? To have more time to...
A disability lawsuit involves filing a claim with the National Social Security Institute (INSS). The process begins when a permanent disability pension of any...
Depression is a mental disorder characterised mainly by low mood, sadness and low self-esteem, which leads sufferers to lose interest in their surroundings and...