Labour Law

Dismissal for unjustified absence from work
Labour Law

Dismissal for unjustified absence from work

By now, you probably know that all grounds for dismissal are regulated by the Workers' Statute and the collective bargaining agreements in force. These...

19 March 2025
¿Qué ocurre si me voy del trabajo sin avisar?
Derecho Laboral

¿Qué ocurre si me voy del trabajo sin avisar?

Todos los trabajadores, ya sea porque han encontrado un empleo mejor, porque no se encuentran a gusto en su puesto o por cuestiones personales de diversa índole...

11 March 2025
Requesting telework for family reconciliation
Labour Law

Requesting telework for family reconciliation

On 28 March, the Spanish Parliament approved Royal Decree-Law 5/2023, more popularly known as the "law on families and teleworking". It came into force just...

27 January 2025
Dismissal for supervening unfitness
Labour Law

Dismissal due to supervening inaptitude

As all our readers are surely aware, the Workers' Statute establishes a series of objective causes that justify and facilitate the termination of an employment...

9 January 2025
What is a disability lawsuit?
Labour Law

What is a disability lawsuit?

A disability lawsuit involves filing a claim with the National Social Security Institute (INSS). The process begins when a permanent disability pension of any...

20 July 2024

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