Law Firm

What is the contentious administrative appeal
Law Firm

What is the contentious administrative appeal

Surely, on more than one occasion, you have heard or read that, in the face of a certain event, only an administrative appeal can be lodged. However, it is...

5 April 2024
Video call with a lawyer
Law Firm

Video call with a lawyer Is it possible?

In which cases is it advisable to request a video call to a lawyer and how feasible is it to make an online legal consultation? What steps do I have to follow...

31 August 2020
appeal in cassation
Law Firm


Surely, on many occasions, you have heard about the cassation appeal but you have not understood exactly what it is. If so, as a law firm in Madrid, this...

11 June 2018
Money laundering offence
Law Firm

Money laundering offence

These days, every time we turn on the television, whether it is to watch a news programme or a political current affairs programme, the term money laundering is...

27 November 2017
STRESS BRAKE - Titan Desert
Law Firm


From our Law Firm we do not hesitate to collaborate in solidarity projects. To this end our President D. Vicente García , sponsored by G.Elias y Muñoz Abogados...

27 April 2017
Criminal lawyers
Law Firm

Elimination of court fees for individuals

Según orden de la Hacienda Pública de 7 de Mayo, número 861/2015, por la que se modifica la 2662/2012, en la que se aprobaba el modelo 696 de Autoliquidación, y...

11 June 2015
Death after divorce
Law Firm

Death after divorce

The Supreme Court, in its ruling of 16 April 2015, in a matter relating to Family Law, and specifically to divorce, has established that a divorce by mutual...

12 May 2015
Recovery of unpaid VAT
Law Firm

Recovery of unpaid VAT

In the event that your company has unpaid debts, you should be aware that changes have been introduced with the aim of recovering the VAT charged, having...

5 May 2015
Labour. Widow's or Widower's Pension
Law Firm

Labour. Widow's or Widower's Pension

The Supreme Court considers that the fact that it has been declared in the deed of execution of a will or the constitution of a limited company is not...

28 April 2015

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