Labour Law

How to dismiss a worker
Labour Law

How to dismiss a worker

It is probably the most thankless moment in anyone's career. It doesn't matter whether we are talking from the employee's or the employer's point of view...

24 February 2023
Liquidation of commercial companies
Labour Law

Liquidation of commercial companies

The liquidation of a company is a compulsory process following the dissolution of any company. The purpose is none other than to distribute the company's assets...

2 January 2023
¿Cómo se desarrolla un juicio laboral?
Labour Law

How is a labour trial conducted?

Labour lawsuits are usually oral in nature, so it is clear that the judge requires the lawyer's conduct to be concrete. When an employee decides to file a...

19 December 2022
Paid leave, what it is and how to request it
Labour Law

Paid leave, what it is and how to request it

Paid leave in the Workers' Statute is regulated in Article 37. However, as is always the case, this legal text shows the minimum applicable, but collective...

7 November 2022
Is the bogus self-employed a fraud?
Labour Law

Is the bogus self-employed a fraud?

False self-employed workers are currently the target of labour inspections. It is a figure that is included in the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers...

13 September 2022
Is verbal dismissal valid?
Labour Law

Is verbal dismissal valid?

All dismissals must be notified to workers in writing through a so-called letter of dismissal, in which the reason for dismissal is clearly indicated, whether...

3 August 2022
Workers' compensation
Labour Law

Workers' compensation

According to article 115.1 of the General Law on Social Security, an accident at work is any bodily injury suffered by a worker as a direct consequence of his...

13 July 2022
What is the conciliation procedure?
Labour Law

What is the conciliation procedure?

La mediación laboral es un procedimiento administrativo previo a la presentación de un caso. La acción es obligatoria y forma parte de lo que pueden hacer los...

16 June 2022
What to do if you disagree with a dismissal?
Labour Law

What to do if you disagree with a dismissal?

Unfortunately, dismissals are the order of the day and can occur at any time in our working life and many times we do not know what to do when we do not agree...

29 April 2022
Recognition and claiming of seniority
Labour Law

Seniority, recognition and claims

One of the most important employee rights is the recognition of seniority. This is mainly due to the fact that it can lead to an increase in the payroll in the...

25 April 2022
What does an employment lawyer do?
Labour Law

What does an employment lawyer do?

There are many doubts that arise as to the functions of a lawyer specialising in different areas of law. In particular the abogados laboralistas are essential...

18 March 2022
What to do in the event of redundancy?
Labour Law

What to do in the event of redundancy?

If you have just received the news that you have been made redundant, the first thing to do is to stay calm and seek the assistance of an employment lawyer.

4 March 2022
What is a worker's weekly rest?
Labour Law

What is a worker's weekly rest?

Weekly rest is a right inherent to all workers and is regulated and typified in the Workers' Statute. It is undoubtedly the main guarantee that we have...

15 January 2022

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